From mould to piece
Injection for a function

The manufacturing of industrial plastic parts in France is our raison d'être
We offer the best cost for plastic parts according to a wide range of materials, processes, and finishes. We put the necessary means and energy to reach the best standards in terms of quality and manufacturing timeline.
We produce parts weighting a few grams, but also very large parts that can weight up to 3.5kg.
We produce both small series of a hundred pieces, up to large series of more than 4 million pieces per year.
Our press and robot fleet consists in about thirty presses from 20T to 800T spread over our two sites.
Thanks to our equipment, we deal with a wide range of materials, industrial and technical issues.
The manufacturing of functional units
Where humans are competitive
Complex systems 100% controlled
We focus on medium size series
We focus our assembling business on average series of less than 100,000 pieces per year. This allows us to ensure our competitiveness and yours by combining the workforce of our qualified operators with automation and robotics.
Our Methods department realizes and improves in-house the systems that allow to remain competitive in the manufacture and control of complex assemblies.
In this way, we provide our customers with a sub-assembly integration service, whose complete plastics processing was developed in the upstream phase.
We have the necessary equipement and expertise to carry out in-house any assembly (inserts, springs, clips, etc.) and assembly, by overmoulding, ultrasonics welding, screwing or gluing. We also provide stamping services by pad printing or inkjet printing.
Our assembly processes incorporate camera-based quality controls, or the use of collaborative robots to perform tasks in hidden time.
Tooling as a first step
High-quality technical tools
Two tooling chanels
Competitiveness with flexibility
Depending on the type of market and tools, we propose to manufacture the tools either in Asia or in France within our plastic injection company CME located in Compiègne.
In both cases, we provide in-house and in France the maintenance, repair and modification of tools.
We also have the possibility to make some tool parts in Asia to integrate them into our French moulds.
In all cases we take responsibility for the design, the follow-up of the project, the manufacturing of the tools, and their industrial life. This global control ensures our customers better responsiveness and lower costs.